Explore Our Photo Tours

Are you looking for a unique and different adventure? Explore our wildlife photo tours. You will surely create beautiful memories to last a lifetime of your photo safari.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience, you will be amazed by what Anette will teach you.

Explore Our Wildlife Photo Tours In Africa

Travel to the vast, open plains of Africa in search of the Big Five. Discover the endless white salt pans and the barren sandy deserts. Africa offers a unique experience to take photographs of the elusive rhinos. Also, there are predators hunting, elegant antelope, and graceful giraffes. See elephants drinking at rivers and be amazed by an enormous hippo playing in the water.

Discover Our Photo Tours In The Arctic

Traveling to the icy Arctic regions certainly requires skill and experience. Join Anette and see the massive glaciers through the lens of your camera. Watch polar bears walk across the ice. And, then watch walruses having fun, the freezing water.

Learn How To Use Your Camera Professionally

You will undoubtedly learn how to use your camera to capture the perfect moment. Discover the knowledge of lighting, angles, and mood. We also teach you about cutting-edge digital technology. Consequently, you will learn how to take beautiful photos on our safaris. Evoke emotion, inspire and tell a story. Moreover, your photograph may even win an award.

In summary, Anette offers private wildlife photo safaris and workshops designed for you or your group. Explore our photo tours on this page, you may find one for yourself.

Abenteuer Namibia

Areal photo of the shipwreck Eduard Bohlen that stranded due to fog at the Skeleton Coast in Namibia (copyright Anette Mossbacher)

Abenteuer Namibia deshalb, weil wir in einer kleinen Gruppe eine breite Palette an verschiedenen Erlebnissen in dem dünn besiedelten Namibia ausloten wollen. Auf diese vielseitige Reise werden wir maximal 6 Teilnehmer mitnehmen! Mit zwei Reiseleiterinnen werden wir in zwei klimatisierten Geländefahrzeugen unterwegs sein, übernachtet wird in Zelten auf den Fahrzeugen, um die unberührte Natur mit allen Sinnen …