That remarkable white rhinoceros with her calf are standing on a rim in the African bush. The endangered animals have a hump-like shape to their structure with their heads generally hang low, in this wildlife photograph. A white rhino has two horns on the ends of its’ nose. The first one, usually being the largest and longest. As depicted in the photograph, rhinos we know for their pre-historic, solid armor look. A fitting label as they are one of the oldest living land mammals on earth.
White Rhino Calves
White rhinoceros have a gestation period that lasts around 16 months. Once a white rhinoceros have given birth, their newly born calf will stand up immediately. They are attempting to suckle straight away. After that, the calf will begin grazing at two months of age, and only going off on its own when they reach the age of three. Many rhinoceroses socialize around waterholes.
Like elephants, rhinos like to flounder in the mud, which serves as a cooling technique, adequate sun protection, and insect repellent. After being in the dirt, the color of the animal inevitably matches the color of the local soil. As you can see in ‘White Rhinoceros With Calf,’ the skin of the rhino has a reddish hue to it. Furthermore, an interesting fact about them is that they are surprisingly quick for the bulky look. They can reach a speed of 40 km/h / 25 mph.
“Undoubtedly, a rhino horn we humans do not need, but the rhinos need it.”
The white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, is on the IUCN list as near threatened.
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Steven –
Mother and child, beautifully captured, Anette.
Anette Mossbacher –
Many thanks. 😀